Book of Giants, Journal 9: A survivor’s journal written eighteen months after an apocalyptic solar flare that led to the disintegration of society and the re-emergence of ancient giants.

A young man’s journal entry describing just another day surviving in a rubble of a city hit by a series of cataclysmic events, all sparked by a solar flare. With no government to speak of and the breakdown of societal norms and expectations, it is a busy day when a marauding giant, who seemingly appeared from nowhere months before, attack the city. If only someone had paid attention to the ancient texts (and people like his friend, Randall), they would know that a land of giants had existed in ancient times. It was always going to happen again, it was only a matter of time. (This is an extract from one journal with many more to follow.)

It was true - the meek (and smart) would inherit the earth.

(10,000 words approx.)

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