Fear of Lions: An uncle offers advice to his niece on how to confront her fears...and deals with the unhappy aftermath.

It was a day like any other - an uncle helping out his sister by distracting her kids. Attempting to share pearls of wisdom with his three year old niece, Maia, he convinced the young girl to name her fears before challenging her to confront them. What were her fears? “Lions,” came the answer. And so began the first week (of four) that changed his life forever. One miserable week became another, then another and finally a fourth - at the end of which his life was unrecognisable. From being a man ignored and irrelevant, he had become universally admired and even ‘presidential’ having been nominated to head a national charity aimed at providing wise counsel to children. Yet, he was, at his core, profoundly regretful at having shared that one pearl of wisdom with Maia.

Be careful with whom you share a pearl of wisdom…they might just choke.

Approx. words: 8,600     Published: July 2015

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