I’m Not Matt Damon: A lone human being is recreated by aliens (after the destruction of planet earth) in their belief that he was once the great leader of humanity and finest example of life on earth – Matt Damon.

Duncan enjoys a pint in the pub with a trusted group of family and friends. Catching a newsflash on the pub’s television about asteroids hitting Canada he heads to the restroom. The next thing he knows, he wakes in a plain, bare white room. Bewildered and bemused, he is approached by a figure who tells him that his remains had been retrieved from the rocky pebble that was once been planet earth. He learns that an alien craft had heard earth’s mayday and responded. In their efforts to save some semblance of life, the ‘Acenes’ choose to rebuild the finest example of life on earth – Matt Damon - and deliver him to a new home in another galaxy.

(A Short Story, 11,000 words approx.)

Available as a ‘Single; download on Amazon

Also available in Collected Stories: Volume 2.