Scary Morning in the Woods: A sequel to Scary Afternoon in the Garden. The garden attack leads the townsfolk to nervously take the fight to the creatures in the woods. Once again, the story is written in the voice (and from the perspective) of the young boy giving the account its own particular flavour and humour.

In the eleven year old’s journal, he exclaims - “I’m famous”. The attack by the creatures from the woods (as described in Scary Afternoon in the Garden) has meant that he has become a celebrity in the town - he was the only witness to the fierce attack (in his own back back garden!) and the gruesome deaths of Sam, Jonny and Nick . A town meeting is called and the townsfolk debate the options. To the despair of his mother, the young celebrity describes to the town council (and gathered locals) his experience of the attack and his belief that certain death is afforded to anyone who dared to confront the creatures. After much discussion, the fat mayor’s hand is forced and a visit to the woods is agreed - but on one condition, the boy must join the expedition. To the horror of his mother and his own delight, the young boy joins the group of men riding to certain death! It gives him another opportunity to document all the blood, gore, violence and death at the claws and teeth of the killer creatures…in one really, really scary morning in the woods.

(A Short Story, 12,750 words approx.)

Available as an e-book ‘single’ for download on Amazon:



Also available in e-book/or paperback in Collected Stories: Volume 2: